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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Marina INMAR

The Institute


The Institute of Marine Research of the University of Cadiz (INMAR hereinafter) is an entity dedicated primarily to scientific and technical research in coastal territories and the marine environment from the perspective of the different scientific disciplines related to the sea. The Institute is based at the Andalusian Centre for Marine Science and Technology (hereinafter CACYTMAR), located on the Campus of Puerto Real in the University of Cadiz.

MISSION. INMAR’s MISSION is to lead research, transfer of knowledge, scientific training and dissemination of marine science and technology, through the promotion and execution of research, development and innovation activities (R+D+i) within the framework of the extraordinary challenges that the society of the 21st century demands, adhering to the main mission of the UN Decade of Oceans within the framework of the SDGs “the science we need for the ocean we want”. The institute’s mission is to help find transformative solutions for sustainable development that connects society to the oceans: a clean, healthy and resilient ocean, where ecosystems are understood, protected, managed and restored; a productive ocean as a source of resources under the perspective of a sustainable blue economy; a predictable, safe, and accessible ocean, at the service of society, and with open access to information; an inspiring and attractive ocean, in which society understands and values its relevance in relation to the historical, cultural and natural heritage, human and life species wellbeing within the framework of sustainable development.

VISION. INMAR’s VISION is to consolidate as an international research centre of reference where a group of fully committed researchers lead research, development, innovation and dissemination processes in the field of marine research, establishing themselves as a link in the exchange of knowledge and technology with other national and international marine research centres, contributing to the development of the blue economy. INMAR must be a focal point in the international context, aligned with the different international aggregations that the University of Cádiz coordinates, such as the Alliance European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) and the International Campus of Excellence of the Sea (CEI·MAR), as well as with other European and international strategies. The ultimate goal is to protect and restore the health of our oceans through research, innovation, transfer within the framework of the blue economy, and citizen participation. An interdisciplinary vision of the sea from science, technology, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.

VALUES. INMAR is committed to follow a series of principles and values that must be pursued with active policies. In the first place, INMAR is committed to sustainability, and to the search for knowledge that provides solutions to the environmental and socioeconomic problems of the sea. In this sense, INMAR supports the development of a sustainable blue economy, where the environment and man are the center of reference. Values such as gender balance, inclusion, non-discrimination, equal opportunities, and service to society must be central to our activity. INMAR is governed by a participatory and transparent governance structure, where its members are the protagonists in decision-making in a bottom-up approach.

Strategic Objectives of the Institute

Strategic Objective 1. INMAR’S ECOSYSTEM

Consolidation of a track record of excellence in research and efficient management of scientific, human and material resources, which allows the development and consolidation of a common strategic program of research and innovation in the development of the Blue Economy.

– Bringing together top researchers from the University of Cadiz in the field of marine research.
– Consolidate a specialized technical team that facilitates and enhances the Institute’s marine research.
– Define the thematic research areas and lines of research and innovation of the Institute in accordance with a common strategy that responds to the major challenges of society in the field of marine research.
– Consolidate itself as a hub for collaboration between researchers from the different thematic areas that make up the Institute and other research centres and marine environment research networks, promoting multidisciplinary, inter-institutional and international interaction, to attract resources and develop innovative activities around the marine environment.
– Update and enhance INMAR’s facilities and equipment.
– Consolidate a complete list of marine research services.
– Promote the visibility and knowledge of INMAR.


Development and consolidation of a training program linked to the increase in scientific production and the transfer of INMAR.

– Design and implement a training program in R&D&I.

– Collaborate in the University of Cadiz postgraduate training program.

– Promote new training activities in the Institute’s lines of research, or in innovative themes or formats, that encourage the Institute’s specialization.

– Promote mobility to national and international reference centres of INMAR researchers for training purposes.


Strengthening the human resources staff assigned to INMAR.

– Promote the recruitment of research and technical talent to strengthen INMAR’s consolidated lines of research.
– Promote the recruitment of research and technical talent in new innovative lines that can boost INMAR research.
– Promover la retención y promoción del talento investigador y técnico.


Increase the visibility of INMAR by moving towards an open, connected and internationalized system.

– Update and make visible INMAR information by adapting it to new communication tools and platforms.
– Disseminate INMAR’s scientific production.
– Disseminate the activities and services offered by INMAR.
– Facilitate the participation of researchers in research networks at the national and international level.
– Complete the multilingual dissemination of the Institute and its activities.