Sesión CIRCO sobre “Estimation of surface convective fluxes using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)” 21 noviembre 2023
El próximo día 24 de noviembre a las 12:45 tendrá lugar la charla CIRCO en la Sala de Juntas del INMAR.
Esta sesión será impartida por Mathilde Jomé, estudiante de doctorado del Centre de Recherches Atmosphériques, Laboratoire d’Aérologie de la Universidad Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, que se encuentra realizando una estancia en el INMAR con el profesor Carlos Román del departamento de Física Aplicada.
El título de la ponencia es: Estimation of surface convective fluxes using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Podéis encontrar el abstract (resumen) de la sesión a continuación:
Understanding the interactions between the surface and the atmosphere is important to establish and control global and regional numerical models. As a matter of fact, in February 2019, the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) reported that the bias observed on surface convective fluxes were the second source of errors in global and regional numerical models. Reducing these errors by getting a better understanding of the impact of the surface-atmosphere interactions over heterogenous land surface is one of the main objectives of the Models and Observations for Surface-Atmosphere Interactions (MOSAI) project. Because experimental set-up that would help to study the impact of surface heterogeneity on surface convective fluxes is quite expensive, we tested a new method, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to estimate surface convective fluxes at low cost. Standard low-cost meteorological stations are associated with higher-cost surface Eddy-Covariance flux stations so that station measurements can be paired to train the network on estimating surface fluxes based only on classical meteorological variables. Based on this, one may then estimate fluxes using this method on a set of various vegetation covers at the same time.
La sesión también podrá seguirse online a través de este enlace de Google Meet:
Esperamos que sea de vuestro interés y veros allí.